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I collect personal data when you voluntarily provide it to me when you contact me. This data is only stored and used for the purpose of answering your query and for the associated technical administration. It will not be passed on to third parties unless this is required by law or you have expressly authorized me to do so beforehand.

Data security

My website uses cookies to facilitate, improve and personalize the use of the website. Cookies are small text files that are stored on your hard disk by a web server. They contain information that can later be read by a web server in the domain that issued the cookie. I use both session cookies, which are only valid for the duration of your visit to my website, and permanent cookies, which remain stored even after you have visited my website. You can set your browser to inform you about the placement of cookies. This makes the use of cookies transparent for you.

Your rights

I use technical and organizational security measures to protect your data against accidental or intentional manipulation, loss, destruction or against access by unauthorized persons. My security measures are continuously improved in line with technological developments. I store your data on secure servers within the European Union. My employees and commissioned service providers are obliged to maintain confidentiality and to comply with data protection regulations.

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